Sunday, May 15, 2011

Check my Spelling!

With my background in strategic communications, and having worked for news publications before, accurate spelling has been ingrained in my brain. I have a hard time using products or services where packaging or marketing items are misspelled. For me, it takes away part of their credibility and screams, "I don't care enough about what I'm selling to make things right."

Yes, misspelled words will happen every once in awhile, nobody is perfect. However, when you receive an email blast from a local business and there's at least one misspelled word three months in a row, their credibility is dwindling.

Spell check is available on nearly every software program that allows text. It's fairly simple to use, simply click the button to go through your text and make the corrections. You'll be thankful that you used spell check when sending something out to your viewers/customers/clients!

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