Sunday, August 26, 2012

Get Creative With Online Resources: Amazon Wish Lists

My spring cleaning tasks came a little late this year as I was collecting things around my house to either recycle, donate or trash. From all the traveling that my husband and I have done over the past couple of years, we have accumulated three shoe boxes full of sample sized shampoos, conditioners, lotions and soaps. My first thought was to donate them to a women's or homeless shelter, so I hopped online to search for shelters in the area. One of the shelters mentioned an Amazon Wish List.

This is a brilliant use of online resources to get what you need. Not only are women's and homeless shelters using this tactic, but pet shelters as well. They add items to their Amazon Wish Lists that they need in order people to donate. Those that want to donate can make purchases directly from those Wish Lists and it is sent directly to the shelter. The beauty of Amazon's Wish Lists is that you can add things to the Wish List even if it's not sold on Amazon. Creating an Amazon Wish List is free.

Shelters aren't the only organizations that can benefit from from this free online resource. Various departments can create wish lists for their office needs, party planners can make a wish list for supplies needed or wanted for upcoming parties, etc. The only limit is your creativity.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Book Review: How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds or Less

I just finished reading "How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds or Less" by Milo O. Frank. This was a good, quick read to demonstrate how to get your point across in a very short amount of time. Not only does he discuss how to do it, but the author makes a really good point to mention one thing that people overlook: anticipating the point of view of the person receiving your message. Although this book was written in 1986, it made mention of how important people's time is because they feel they don't have enough. I think the same is even more true now with the vast amount of technology and efficiency at our fingertips. This book would also be a good starting point for someone that is writing their 30 second elevator speech.