Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 New Year's Resolution

Another year, another resolution. This year, my New Year's Resolution is to listen to at least one book on CD in my car per month. I'm almost half way done with my resolution for January!

If you haven't made yours yet, here are some other suggestions for New Year's Resolutions:
-Read one book per month in your area of work
-Watch one hour less of tv per day
-Get involved in an industry organization
-Volunteer some time to a cause close to your heart
-Let other people help you when they offer to help
-Say "thank you" and leave it at that when people compliment you
-Put the Blackberry/iPhone/PDA etc down during meals and when you're spending time with family

Now those are just a few, but New Year's is the time to assess what's going on in your life and focusing on making it better for yourself.

Have a happy and prosperous new year.

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