Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I have a great idea for a business, now what?

Good for you for starting your own business! It takes a person with tenacity to do what you are doing. But once you have the idea for a product (line of products) or services, the world of small business can be overwhelming. The best thing to do is to talk to people who have started businesses before. And yes, talk to more than one person. The more perspectives you have, the better! These small business owners experienced the ins and outs of it for themselves. You should even talk to people who have had businesses that failed. Ask them why they think their business failed.

Most people are willing to share their trials and tribulations with you, especially if you already know them on a personal level. Also, most people are willing to help you out, as long as they have some spare time. They were once in your position too, so they are going to be more willing to help you out and answer your questions.

Think you don't know anyone who owns their own business? Think again. According to a book published in 2006, written by Frederick W. Daily, the US has 45 million small businesses. Surely at least one person you know is among those 45 million. And if you can't find one, check out the SBA Web site or go to the SCORE Web site. Both sites have numerous resources including connecting you with people to answer your business questions (especially SCORE).

The bottom line here is to talk to someone who has already been in your position. They have already faced the challenges and found the loopholes. Why not use their experience to ensure a successful business for yourself.

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