Thursday, March 4, 2010

Social Media - Personal vs. Business

If you are like many people, you have at least one social media profile. Chances are you are linked to a co-worker or maybe even your boss. Even though that profile may be a personal one, be careful what you post on those profiles. It could get you fired, or cost you a job that you are trying to get. A couple of examples are highlighted in this CNN Money brief.

How do you prevent this? Don't post anything that you wouldn't want your boss to see. You can also put high security settings on all of your personal profiles, where you can control how much people can see based on whether you are friends with them or linked to them. Chew on this: a study conducted by Proofpoint of 1,000+ employee companies, found that 17% of those companies reported having social media usage issues with their employees and 8% had fired employees for inappropriate use of social media.

Be especially careful of your venting venue if you value your job.